A recent survey* conducted by Telefonica and the Financial Times caught our attention this week, revealing that 83% of millennials say technology makes it easier to get a job. We couldn't agree more. Computer skills, and proficiency in Microsoft Office in particular, are fundamentals most employers expect. In fact, a search for "Microsoft Office" on Indeed.com, a popular job site, returns 133,000+ job openings in a variety of fields, including media, business and finance. (Note: a search on "Google Apps" yields less than 800, while "Apple iWork" returns less than 20).
With this in mind, we wanted to share resources that will help the class of 2013 - and beyond - brush up on Office skills and stand out from the crowd:
- Create Excel PivotTables to analyze data in multiple tables
- Master keyboard shortcuts in Word for faster work and uncompromised quality
- Design a PowerPoint deck with maximum impact
- Conquer inbox clutter and manage Outlook mail efficiently
- Be a great team player with Office Web Apps file sharing and collaboration via SkyDrive (and see what's coming here)
The same Office skills that pop on a resume will also help you create one that stands out. Instead of starting a resume from scratch, Office.com has tons of free templates for the head-start you need. From traditional to more modern options, you can make it your own with fonts and formatting that reflect your personal brand.
Office knowledge stands the test of time because we continue to reinvent our products around people and business' ever-changing needs. As you go about your job hunt, keep in mind that many of the organizations you may have an eye on, including BCBG Maxazria, the Environment Protection Agency and The International Red Cross, use Office 365, and Office is the suite of choice in most of the Fortune 500, S&P 500 and beyond.
Are there other Office skills you need to land your dream job? Talk back to @Office using the hashtag #OfficeReady and tell us what Office skills are critical for you or what new Office capabilities you'd like to see.
--Clint Patterson
*Survey was conducted on 12,000 people, age 18 to 30, across 27 countries with a margin of error of less than one percent.
The post Office is a life skill for graduates on the job hunt appeared first on Windows Wide Open.